Author: Max Ducharme

3 Things Great Leaders Would Never Say

29 Mar, 2018

On the flip side, you’ll most likely never find these words coming out of the mouths of confident and smart leaders. “That’s not my problem.” Hearing this shouted across the hall when you’re asking for help or input on something important reveals an uncaring and detached attitude that screams “I’m not a team player.” Granted, […]

3 Things Great Leaders Say

29 Mar, 2018

You may think a leader speaks with charisma and bravado. Perhaps, if on a stage presenting a product launch to an audience of 500 (for example, Steve Jobs). But in close teams and interpersonal interactions that build trust, authenticity wins out every time. Here’s what you’ll hear from the most effective and humble leaders. “That was […]

Better Understanding Your Cybersecurity Threats

29 Mar, 2018

In the increasingly digital world, cybersecurity and data privacy are becoming primary concerns for businesses of all sizes. However, most business owners do not even know where to start to understand the cyber threats or how to begin the process of securing their sensitive data . Here is a quick checklist to get you started: […]

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